by scarfboyfriends / saladstan420
Type | Cost Estimate | Commercial use ok? | Notes |
Full body vtuber model | 500+ USD | Yes [O] | Full cut ready to rig PSD file, 2000 x 5000 px minimum size, 2-3 facial expressions, not rigged, DM for quotes |
Reference sheet | 150+ USD | Yes [O] | Front and back, details, 2400 x 3600 px minimum size, this is not a design - just for clean reference of existing design |
Illustration | 100-200 USD | Maybe [O/X] | Png file, 2500 px minimum, cost will change for commercial use |
Portrait sketch | 50 USD | No [X] | Png file, 1500 px minimum width |
Vtuber overlay | 20-30 USD | Yes [O] | Price is for a set of loading, chatting, and gaming overlays |
Terms of Service"Commercial use" of my artwork is defined as one or more of the following:
- The artwork will be used/shown on a stream/video.
- The artwork is commissioned by a company and not an individual.
- The artwork will be printed into or used to promote merchandise (needs separate approval beforehand).
- The artwork appears somewhere that the commissioner makes any money from.
- At my discretion depending on the individual situation and use. "Commercial use OK" means the artwork can be used/shown on streams or anything monetized, as well as used to make both digital and physical merchandise. You can also edit the work as needed without redrawing (like cropping, thumbnails, edits, etc.). Please message me before converting artwork approved for digital only into physical merchandise, I'm happy to do simple graphic design/reformatting of the artwork for print purposes at no cost. For non-commercial use, this means posting the image to social media (with credit) with no promotions attached, showing your friends, use as social media profile picture/header, and printing at home for personal use. - Payment is 100% upfront via Paypal Goods and Services. For commissions over 200 USD, we can do half upfront and half after final artwork preview. The full resolution image will only be delivered to you after full payment.
- No AI / NFT usage.Notes on what I will draw:
- NO: detailed/realistic gore, photorealistic children, in general I have the right to refuse anything I feel uncomfortable with.
- ASK: furry, mech/armor, super cutesy feminine characters. This is due to a lack of experience/skill with these. I may not be the best artist for these categories.
- OK: photos of people in anime style, food, graphic design, patterns, NSFW